Friday, August 3, 2012

I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-doing-but-I'm-hungry-and-I-have-canned-chicken salad!

Happy Friday! 

I have today off (woo!) so I'm doing work around the house. Right now my parents are on a "we're not buying anything but milk until we eat everything in the fridge kick", which is awesome for someone who has no culinary talent what-so-ever. Boo. Well I'm too poor to go buy things and I'm out of leftovers (mom is sick and didn't cook last night. double boo.), so I took one look in the fridge and came up with this:

I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-doing-but-I'm-hungry-and-I-have-canned-chicken salad.

(appropriate title right?) 

Basically, I just grabbed everything I could see that looked like salad material, threw it in a bowl, and hoped for the best. And it actually turned out to be quite delicious! The point is to use stuff you already have, but if you're culinarily challenged (yeah i made that word up) like me, here's what I did.

The I-have-no-idea-what-I'm-doing-but-I'm-hungry-and-I-have-canned-chicken salad recipe!

Canned chicken
Cheese (I used cheddar, pepper jack, and feta)
1/2 Roma tomato
1/4 Green apple (any kind is fine)
Balsamic vinegar

1. Wash and dry the dirty stuff (lettuce, apple, tomato)
2. Chop now clean ingredients, throw in bowl
3. Shred cheese (or use your already-shredded-from-last-nights-omelet cheese like I did!), throw in bowl
4. Open can of chicken, drain
5. Shred chicken a little and throw on salad, tupperware what you don't use!
6. Add some pepper, drizzle (or pour) balsamic vinegar, mix and devour!

If I had them I would have added: dried cranberries, walnuts, pecans, and/or sunflower seeds.

TIP: if you're going to take a picture, do it before you add the dressing. It looks weird after. ;)

Buon Appetit! 

<3 L

P.S. Maybe I did inherit one or two cooking genes from my mom... :)

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! It's so fun to read up on the little tidbits of your life! Miss you like crazy!
